Uncommon (but essential) Metrics for Measuring Software Test Automation ROI
Introduction Test automation is often seen as an “Easy Button” that is solved with a moderate investment in tools. However the reality is often quite…
QA Consultants Featured on Clutch Four Years in a Row
It’s hard to imagine everything that could potentially go wrong when you launch a digital project. Bugs, glitches, poor performance, bad security, or issues with…
Insurance, Finance & Banking
Insurance, Finance & Banking Engagement Achievable Value and Outcomes Secondary Services Latest News Innovate with us to elevate your software performance and experience
Why Quality Matters So Much to Agency Leaders
Welcome to a Quality Life – a new series for interactive agency leaders and owners who are committed to delivering the best quality of work…
The Future of Software Testing 2018: The Role of Software Testers and Teams
Given the rise in DevOps, are QA and software testing positions too commoditized and undervalued for today’s IT organizations? I am frequently asked this question…
QA Consultants leads independent application quality assurance providers in the 2024 ISG Provider Lens Report™
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: QA Consultants Media media@qaconsultants.com This is the second consecutive year the firm has been named a Product Challenger in…