It’s hard to imagine everything that could potentially go wrong when you launch a digital project. Bugs, glitches, poor performance, bad security, or issues with integration can all result in lost customers, customers who may not come back once the issue has been fixed. This is why quality assurance (QA) is an essential step for any company looking to launch a new product or upgrade an existing one. QA makes sure that your product will perform just as you intended.
At QA Consultants, we are devoted to making sure that our client’s projects run smoothly and produce the highest quality product possible. As a company devoted to our clients, we’re excited to announce that we have been ranked on a B2B platform that puts the clients’ voice above all else. Specifically, in their updated report, Clutch has identified QA Consultants as a B2B leader in the IT services category, as well as one of the top five software testing companies in Canada.
Market Leaders

“QA Consultants is proud to be highlighted for the fourth time. In addition to entering our 25th anniversary year that is focused on celebrating the tremendous job our team does for clients every day, we’re excited to be focused on the future of Quality and what the next 25 years will bring. This year, we have truly focused on investments in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Quality, Blockchain testing, and operational excellence. We thank Clutch (and the clients they interviewed) for recognizing our focus on software quality,” said Brian Bernknopf, US Managing Director, QA Consultants.
Positive observations
Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews firm that ranks companies according to a number of criteria, including how well they’re reviewed by their clients. Up to this point, Clutch has done in-depth interviews with four of our clients, all of whom have given us stellar reviews. Here are some of the positive observations they’ve made about their experiences with us:
Their flexibility and resource availability are excellent and extremely conducive to our overall business strategy. Testing is all they do, and quality is of utmost importance to them.
A very impressive number of bugs were caught in a very short amount of time. They work efficiently and ensure that the product is ready for launch.
The team is very proactive in exploring all areas of the product and identifying issues that we may not have thought to look for.
Clutch also has two sister sites, The Manifest, which allows prospective clients to more easily browse the bios of B2B businesses, and Visual Objects, which features companies that produce creative digital content.
We were ranked on The Manifest as a leading IT services provider. We were featured for our expertise in product testing, as well as a project we did with a pharmaceutical company, helping them upgrade their insurance portal and improve their overall performance.
We are honoured to receive this recognition, and we want to thank our clients who took the time to talk to Clutch and leave us a glowing review. We are excited to continue to make sure that our clients succeed by providing them with excellent quality testing and assurance.