Leading the Charge in Quality Engineering
Celebrated as the market leader in software quality,
QA Consultants brings a unique, risk-based quality assurance model to over 200 global client accounts, supported by 3,500 specialized QA professionals, as ALTEN Group’s lead quality engineering practice.
What We Do
Solve complex digital engineering challenges through quality engineering
QA Consultants orchestrates quality engineering solutions across ALTEN’s client base and beyond, complementing and strengthening ALTEN’s service portfolio.
How We Do It
Innovative quality assurance practice
QA Consultants revolutionized the QA landscape by adopting an Automate First approach, transitioning from traditional frameworks to agile practices with high reusability in quality engineering. The focus extends to functional quality, emphasizing defect identification, risk-based testing, and intelligent automation to optimize test coverage and reduce redundancy. This innovative approach includes a comprehensive integration from Framework to DevOps, ensuring a 100 percent focus on quality engineering
The QA Consultants difference
Renowned for its comprehensive test automation services and accelerators, supporting multi-platform, multi-device, and multi-language/OS environments, QA Consultants employs sophisticated, risk-based methodologies to deliver high-quality testing solutions, significantly reducing testing time and costs, while improving automation script reusability. Its performance engineering services are focused on optimizing software efficiency and scalability, enhancing customer experience, revenue stability, and productivity.
Why We Do It
To unleash the power of software innovation for organizations from global, digital-first enterprises to startups through reliable and trusted software
Awards & Accolades
QA Consultants has been distinguished by several accolades, including the recent Testing Management Team of the Year at the North American Software Testing Awards and the Americas Performance Testing Partner of the Year at the Tricentis Partner Awards.
Additionally, QA Consultants played a pivotal role in the development of Canada’s zero-emission concept vehicle, Project Arrow, earning a 2024 BIG Innovation Award. Awarded 3 stars on Forrester’s 2023 Continuous Automation and Testing Services Landscape report and named a Product Challenger by ISG, a leading global technology research and advisory firm.
QA Consultants’ global footprint in engineering and IT services sets new standards in quality assurance, driving its mission to deliver superior, innovative solutions across all sectors.

International Delivery, Personal Service
Dallas | Los Angeles | Denver
Toronto | Ottawa | Montréal
Various global delivery centers through our parent company, ALTEN
Innovate with us
to elevate your software performance and experience
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