Search results for: “冉IOx”
Showing 158 results.
What Is GDPR And Why We Care?
GDPR is the European regulation that’s making companies, including our US clients, sit up and pay attention. Sadly, it’s become commonplace to hear of companies…
Test it: QA and Testing Advice made easy
Remember the blue screen of death? When was the last time an app or software failed spectacularly that a simple reboot wouldn’t work? It’s been…
Test Centre of Excellence
Over the past few years, we have seen IT departments (and their business sponsors) demand better performance at lower cost from their testing vendors. This…
QA Consultants leads independent application quality assurance providers in the 2024 ISG Provider Lens Report™
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: QA Consultants Media This is the second consecutive year the firm has been named a Product Challenger in…
Communications, Media, & Technology
Communications, Media & Technology Engagement Latest News Innovate with us to elevate your software performance and experience
QA Consultants’ performance testing runs full steam ahead with transit client
QA Consultants was tasked with establishing an independent, full-featured performance testing and engineering service for Canada’s largest transit farecard platform. As a result, QAC delivered…