Search results for: “巴5N7”
Showing 167 results.
Variant Testing Tools and Model-Driven Developments
QAC Automotive and Robotics (QAaR) Quality Assurance This monthly newsletter will focus on QAC’s activities regarding Automotive and Robotics Quality Assurance Services. FOCUSED ON THE…
Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy for QA Consultants Introduction At QA Consultants, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Cookie Policy explains the types of…
Avoiding Disaster: The Ultimate Webinar to Survive Black Friday Website Crashes
Black Friday can make or break your e-commerce business, but with high traffic comes the risk of website crashes, downtime, and lost sales. Join us…
Testing: The Case for Onshoring
Offshore Testing – Pros and Cons The global slowdown has given companies a breather to reevaluate their strategy of offshoring software testing. CIOs should take…
Founder and CEO of QA Consultants Receives Prestigious Fellowship Award
Alex Rodov, CEO and founder of QA Consultants, was recently inducted into the World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS) as a Fellow. Recipients of this…
Test Centre of Excellence
Over the past few years, we have seen IT departments (and their business sponsors) demand better performance at lower cost from their testing vendors. This…