Search results for: “郜Wm7”
Showing 168 results.
Performance Engineering
Streamlining software for safer, more productive, and cost-effective operations Our mission is to find the fastest path to value to support reliable performance, boost work…
What are you waiting for? Re-shore QA now!
In the past two decades, I have delivered over $600 million of enterprise-scale IT programs primarily in the financial services sector. In most instances, I…
Winner of the North American Software Testing Awards – “Testing Management Team of the Year” Award
The North American Software Testing Awards celebrate companies and individuals who have accomplished significant achievements in the software testing and quality assurance market. The following…
Test it: QA and Testing Advice made easy
Remember the blue screen of death? When was the last time an app or software failed spectacularly that a simple reboot wouldn’t work? It’s been…
QA Consultants’ performance testing runs full steam ahead with transit client
QA Consultants was tasked with establishing an independent, full-featured performance testing and engineering service for Canada’s largest transit farecard platform. As a result, QAC delivered…
Founder and CEO of QA Consultants Receives Prestigious Fellowship Award
Alex Rodov, CEO and founder of QA Consultants, was recently inducted into the World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS) as a Fellow. Recipients of this…