Search results for: “方JHl”
Showing 157 results.
Performance Engineering and Performance Testing
By Scott Moore for QA Consultants February 2020 Performance Engineering and Performance Testing are related but are not the same thing. Testing is one…
Choosing Agile Tools & Agile Methodologies
How does one decide? QAC supercharges Agile development by leveraging and tailoring our proven Waterfall testing approach to the unique demands of Agile projects. In…
Avoiding Disaster: The Ultimate Webinar to Survive Black Friday Website Crashes
Black Friday can make or break your e-commerce business, but with high traffic comes the risk of website crashes, downtime, and lost sales. Join us…
The Rise of Blockchain and Crypto Requires Innovative Quality Engineering
2022 will bring huge momentum as adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency become mainstream for the financial, regulatory, and fintech industries as well as B2B and…
Automotive System Integration Testing (SIT) framework
Automotive System Integration Testing (SIT) FRAMEWORK A few years ago, collision and lane change avoidance technology were primitive. Nowadays, the technology has been updated with…
CAV Defense Mechanisms and Security Vulnerabilities
QAC EmTech QAC Emerging Technologies Quality Assurance This monthly newsletter will focus on QAC’s activities regarding R&D, Connected Vehicles, Cognitive Autonomous Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Internet…