Performance Engineering QA Consultants approaches performance engineering with the belief that value is achieved when changes can be made to software to improve the experience…
Performance Engineering and Performance Testing
By Scott Moore for QA Consultants February 2020 Performance Engineering and Performance Testing are related but are not the same thing. Testing is one…
Automotive SIT Framework Explained
QAC Automotive and Robotics (QAaR) Quality Assurance This monthly newsletter will focus on QAC’s activities regarding Automotive and Robotics Quality Assurance Services. FOCUSED ON THE…
Cybercrime and its Players
“Cybercrime is a growth industry. The returns are great, and the risks are low.” “Net Losses: Estimating the Global Cost of Cybercrime,” McAfee and the…
Communications, Media, & Technology
Communications, Media & Technology Engagement Latest News Innovate with us to elevate your software performance and experience
Automotive Cybersecurity and Regulatory Standards
QAC EmTech QAC Emerging Technologies Quality Assurance This monthly newsletter will focus on QAC’s activities regarding R&D, Connected Vehicles, Cognitive Autonomous Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Internet…